Source code for tellurium.roadrunner.extended_roadrunner

Extending the RoadRunner object with additional fields.

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import os
import roadrunner
import warnings

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Extended RoadRunner class
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]class ExtendedRoadRunner(roadrunner.RoadRunner): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ExtendedRoadRunner, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Model access # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # def getBoundarySpeciesConcentrations(self): # return self.model.getBoundarySpeciesConcentrations() # getBoundarySpeciesConcentrations.__doc__ = roadrunner.ExecutableModel.getBoundarySpeciesConcentrations.__doc__ # These model functions are attached after class creation _model_functions = [ 'getBoundarySpeciesConcentrations', 'getBoundarySpeciesConcentrations', 'getBoundarySpeciesIds', 'getNumBoundarySpecies', 'getFloatingSpeciesConcentrations', 'getFloatingSpeciesIds', 'getNumFloatingSpecies', 'getGlobalParameterIds', 'getGlobalParameterValues', 'getNumGlobalParameters', 'getCompartmentIds', 'getCompartmentVolumes', 'getNumCompartments', 'getConservedMoietyValues', 'getNumConservedMoieties', 'getNumDepFloatingSpecies', 'getNumIndFloatingSpecies', 'getReactionIds', 'getReactionRates', 'getNumReactions', 'getNumEvents', 'getNumRateRules' ] # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Jarnac compatibility layer # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def fjac(self): return self.getFullJacobian()
fjac.__doc__ = roadrunner.RoadRunner.getFullJacobian.__doc__
[docs] def sm(self): return self.getFullStoichiometryMatrix()
sm.__doc__ = roadrunner.RoadRunner.getFullStoichiometryMatrix.__doc__
[docs] def rs(self): return self.model.getReactionIds()
rs.__doc__ = roadrunner.ExecutableModel.getReactionIds.__doc__
[docs] def fs(self): return self.model.getFloatingSpeciesIds()
fs.__doc__ = roadrunner.ExecutableModel.getFloatingSpeciesIds.__doc__
[docs] def bs(self): return self.model.getBoundarySpeciesIds()
bs.__doc__ = roadrunner.ExecutableModel.getBoundarySpeciesIds.__doc__ def ps(self): return self.model.getGlobalParameterIds() ps.__doc__ = roadrunner.ExecutableModel.getGlobalParameterIds.__doc__
[docs] def vs(self): return self.model.getCompartmentIds()
vs.__doc__ = roadrunner.ExecutableModel.getCompartmentIds.__doc__
[docs] def dv(self): return self.model.getStateVectorRate()
dv.__doc__ = roadrunner.ExecutableModel.getStateVector.__doc__
[docs] def rv(self): return self.model.getReactionRates()
rv.__doc__ = roadrunner.ExecutableModel.getReactionRates.__doc__
[docs] def sv(self): return self.model.getFloatingSpeciesConcentrations()
sv.__doc__ = roadrunner.ExecutableModel.getFloatingSpeciesConcentrations.__doc__ # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Export Utilities # --------------------------------------------------------------------- def __getSBML(self, current): if current is True: return self.getCurrentSBML() else: return self.getSBML()
[docs] def getAntimony(self, current=False): """ Antimony string of the original model loaded into roadrunner. :param current: return current model state :type current: bool :return: Antimony :rtype: str """ sbml = self.__getSBML(current) from .. import sbmlToAntimony return sbmlToAntimony(sbml)
[docs] def getCurrentAntimony(self): """ Antimony string of the current model state. See also: :func:`getAntimony` :return: Antimony :rtype: str """ return self.getAntimony(current=True)
[docs] def getCellML(self, current=False): """ CellML string of the original model loaded into roadrunner. :param current: return current model state :type current: bool :returns: CellML string :rtype: str """ sbml = self.__getSBML(current) from .. import sbmlToCellML return sbmlToCellML(sbml)
[docs] def getCurrentCellML(self): """ CellML string of current model state. See also: :func:`getCellML` :returns: CellML string :rtype: str """ return self.getCellML(current=True)
[docs] def getMatlab(self, current=False): """ Matlab string of the original model loaded into roadrunner. See also: :func:`getCurrentMatlab` :returns: Matlab string :rtype: str """ try: from sbml2matlab import sbml2matlab sbml = self.__getSBML(current) return sbml2matlab(sbml) except ImportError: warnings.warn("'sbml2matlab' could not be imported, no support for Matlab code generation", RuntimeWarning, stacklevel=2) return ""
[docs] def getCurrentMatlab(self): """ Matlab string of current model state. :param current: return current model state :type current: bool :returns: Matlab string :rtype: str """ return self.getMatlab(current=True)
[docs] def exportToSBML(self, filePath, current=True): """ Save current model as SBML file. :param current: export current model state :type current: bool :param filePath: file path of SBML file :type filePath: str """ with open(filePath, 'w') as f: f.write(self.__getSBML(current))
[docs] def exportToAntimony(self, filePath, current=True): """ Save current model as Antimony file. :param current: export current model state :type current: bool :param filePath: file path of Antimony file :type filePath: str """ with open(filePath, 'w') as f: f.write(self.getAntimony(current))
[docs] def exportToCellML(self, filePath, current=True): """ Save current model as CellML file. :param current: export current model state :type current: bool :param filePath: file path of CellML file :type filePath: str """ with open(filePath, 'w') as f: f.write(self.getCellML(current))
[docs] def exportToMatlab(self, filePath, current=True): """ Save current model as Matlab file. To save the original model loaded into roadrunner use current=False. :param self: RoadRunner instance :type self: RoadRunner.roadrunner :param filePath: file path of Matlab file :type filePath: str """ with open(filePath, 'w') as f: f.write(self.getMatlab(current))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Reset Methods # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # FIXME: Remove in next release
[docs] def resetToOrigin(self): """ Reset model to state when first loaded. This resets the model back to the state when it was FIRST loaded, this includes all init() and parameters such as k1 etc. identical to: r.reset(roadrunner.SelectionRecord.ALL) """ self.reset(roadrunner.SelectionRecord.ALL)
[docs] def resetAll(self): """ Reset all model variables to CURRENT init(X) values. This resets all variables, S1, S2 etc to the CURRENT init(X) values. It also resets all parameters back to the values they had when the model was first loaded. """ self.reset(roadrunner.SelectionRecord.TIME | roadrunner.SelectionRecord.RATE | roadrunner.SelectionRecord.FLOATING | roadrunner.SelectionRecord.GLOBAL_PARAMETER)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Routines flattened from model, aves typing and easier finding of methods # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getRatesOfChange(self): """ Rate of change of all state variables in the model. :returns: rate of change of all state variables (eg species) in the model. """ if self.conservedMoietyAnalysis: m1 = self.getLinkMatrix() m2 = self.model.getStateVectorRate() return else: return self.model.getStateVectorRate()
# --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Plotting Utilities # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def draw(self, **kwargs): """ Draws an SBMLDiagram of the current model. To set the width of the output plot provide the 'width' argument. Species are drawn as white circles (boundary species shaded in blue), reactions as grey squares. Currently only the drawing of medium-size networks is supported. """ import shutil # PATH variable may not be present - cannot use os.environ['PATH'] # but can use shutil.which for Python 3.3+ if hasattr(shutil, 'which'): if shutil.which('dot') is None: warnings.warn("Graphviz is not installed in your machine or could not be found. 'draw' command cannot produce a diagram.", Warning, stacklevel=2) return elif not 'PATH' in os.environ or any([ os.access( os.path.join( p, 'dot' ), os.X_OK ) for p in os.environ['PATH'].split( os.pathsep )]): warnings.warn("Graphviz is not installed in your machine or could not be found. 'draw' command cannot produce a diagram.", Warning, stacklevel=2) return from tellurium import SBMLDiagram diagram = SBMLDiagram(self.getSBML()) diagram.draw(**kwargs)
# FIXME: update the documentation of plot function
[docs] def plot(self, result=None, show=True, xtitle=None, ytitle=None, title=None, xlim=None, ylim=None, logx=False, logy=False, xscale='linear', yscale='linear', grid=False, ordinates=None, tag=None, **kwargs): """ Plot roadrunner simulation data. Plot is called with simulation data to plot as the first argument. If no data is provided the data currently held by roadrunner generated in the last simulation is used. The first column is considered the x axis and all remaining columns the y axis. If the result array has no names, than the current r.selections are used for naming. In this case the dimension of the r.selections has to be the same like the number of columns of the result array. Curves are plotted in order of selection (columns in result). In addition to the listed keywords plot supports all matplotlib.pyplot.plot keyword arguments, like color, alpha, linewidth, linestyle, marker, ... :: sbml = te.getTestModel('feedback.xml') r = te.loadSBMLModel(sbml) s = r.simulate(0, 100, 201) r.plot(s, loc="upper right", linewidth=2.0, lineStyle='-', marker='o', markersize=2.0, alpha=0.8, title="Feedback Oscillation", xlabel="time", ylabel="concentration", xlim=[0,100], ylim=[-1, 4]) :param result: results data to plot (numpy array) :param show: show the plot, use show=False to plot multiple simulations in one plot :param xtitle: x-axis label (str) :param ytitle: y-axis label (str) :param title: plot title (str) :param xlim: limits on x-axis (tuple [start, end]) :param ylim: limits on y-axis :param logx: :param logy: :param xscale: 'linear' or 'log' scale for x-axis :param yscale: 'linear' or 'log' scale for y-axis :param grid: show grid :param ordinates: If supplied, only these selections will be plotted (see RoadRunner selections) :param tag: If supplied, all traces with the same tag will be plotted with the same color/style :param kwargs: additional matplotlib keywords like marker, lineStyle, color, alpha, ... :return: """ if result is None: result = self.getSimulationData() from .. import getPlottingEngine if ordinates: kwargs['ordinates'] = ordinates if title: kwargs['title'] = title if xtitle: kwargs['xtitle'] = xtitle if ytitle: kwargs['ytitle'] = ytitle if xlim: kwargs['xlim'] = xlim if ylim: kwargs['ylim'] = ylim if logx: kwargs['logx'] = logx if logy: kwargs['logy'] = logy if tag: kwargs['tag'] = tag # FIXME: provide the additional parameters to the plotting engine engine = getPlottingEngine() if show: # show the plot immediately engine.plotTimecourse(result, **kwargs) else: # otherwise, accumulate the traces engine.accumulateTimecourse(result, **kwargs)
def show(self, reset=True): """ Show plot. """ from .. import getPlottingEngine getPlottingEngine().show(reset=reset) # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # Stochastic Simulation Methods # ---------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getSeed(self, integratorName="gillespie"): """ Current seed used by the integrator with integratorName. Defaults to the seed of the gillespie integrator. :param integratorName: name of the integrator for which the seed should be retured :type integratorName: str :returns: current seed :rtype: float """ integrator = self.getIntegratorByName(integratorName) return integrator.getValue('seed')
@property def seed(self): """ Getter for Gillespie seed. """ return self.getSeed()
[docs] def setSeed(self, seed, integratorName="gillespie"): """ Set seed in integrator with integratorName. Defaults to the seed of the gillespie integrator. Raises Error if integrator does not have key 'seed'. :param seed: seed to set :param integratorName: name of the integrator for which the seed should be retured :type integratorName: str """ # there are some issues converting big Python (greater than 4,294,967,295) integers # to C integers on 64 bit machines. If its converted to float before, works around the issue. self.setIntegratorSetting(integratorName=integratorName, settingName="seed", value=float(seed))
@seed.setter def seed(self, value): """ Setter for Gillespie seed. """ return self.setSeed(value)
[docs] def gillespie(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Run a Gillespie stochastic simulation. Sets the integrator to gillespie and performs simulation. :: rr = te.loada ('S1 -> S2; k1*S1; k1 = 0.1; S1 = 40') # Simulate from time zero to 40 time units result = rr.gillespie (0, 40) # Simulate on a grid with 10 points from start 0 to end time 40 rr.reset() result = rr.gillespie (0, 40, 10) # Simulate from time zero to 40 time units using the given selection list # This means that the first column will be time and the second column species S1 rr.reset() result = rr.gillespie (0, 40, selections=['time', 'S1']) # Simulate from time zero to 40 time units, on a grid with 20 points # using the give selection list rr.reset() result = rr.gillespie (0, 40, 20, ['time', 'S1']) rr.plot(result) :param seed: seed for gillespie :type seed: int :param args: parameters for simulate :param kwargs: parameters for simulate :returns: simulation results """ integratorName = self.integrator.getName() self.setIntegrator('gillespie') if (len(args) > 2): self.integrator.variable_step_size = False elif ('points' in kwargs or 'steps' in kwargs): self.integrator.variable_step_size = False s = self.simulate(*args, **kwargs) self.integrator.variable_step_size = True self.setIntegrator(integratorName) return s