
Notebook Walkthrough

If you have not already done so, download and install the Tellurium notebook front-end for your platform (Windows, Mac, and Linux supported).

  • TODO: Add how to use Antimony & inline OMEX cells.
  • TODO: Show how to search/replace with CM and search word boundaries.
  • TODO: Show how to access example notebooks.
  • TODO: Demo interactive plotting online with Plotly

Notebook Troubleshooting

Problem: Cannot Load Kernel

The notebook viewer ships with a Python3 kernel, which causes problems when trying to open a notebook saved (e.g. by Jupyter) with Python2.

Error message when kernel cannot be loaded

Error message when kernel cannot be loaded


In such a case, simply replace the kernel by choosing Language -> Python 3 from the menu.

Fix for kernel loading problem

Fix for kernel loading problem

Further Reading

IDE Walkthrough

If you have not already done so, download and install the Tellurium IDE front-end for your platform (only for Windows, legacy versions supported Mac).

Additional Resources for Tellurium

Learning Python