Source code for tellurium.visualization.sbmldiagram

This module creates an SBMLDiagram for the given SBML model using graphviz.

from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import roadrunner
import warnings
import tempfile
    import libsbml
except ImportError:
    import tesbml as libsbml
from six import string_types

    from IPython.display import Image, display
except ImportError:
import os

[docs] class SBMLDiagram(object): """ Create network diagram from a sbml model. """ def __init__(self, sbml, species={}, reactions={}, reactants={}, products={}, modifiers={}): """ :param sbml: SBML string, libsbml.SBMLDocument object, or libsbml.Model object :param species: :type species: :param reactions: :type reactions: :param reactants: :type reactants: :param products: :type products: :param modifiers: :type modifiers: """ # load model if isinstance(sbml, string_types): self.doc = libsbml.readSBMLFromString(sbml) self.model = self.doc.getModel() elif isinstance(sbml, libsbml.SBMLDocument): self.doc = sbml self.model = self.doc.getModel() elif isinstance(sbml, libsbml.Model): self.model = sbml else: raise Exception('SBML Input is not valid') # create graph self.g = SBMLDiagram._createGraph(self.model, species=species, reactions=reactions, reactants=reactants, products=products, modifiers=modifiers) @staticmethod def _createGraph(model, species={}, reactions={}, reactants={}, products={}, modifiers={}): """ Creates the acyclic graph from the given model. :param model: :type model: :param species: :type species: :param reactions: :type reactions: :param reactants: :type reactants: :param products: :type products: :param modifiers: :type modifiers: :return: :rtype: """ try: import pygraphviz as pgv except ImportError as e: pgv = None roadrunner.Logger.log(roadrunner.Logger.LOG_WARNING, str(e)) warnings.warn("'pygraphviz' could not be imported, cannot draw network diagrams", ImportWarning, stacklevel=2) g = pgv.AGraph(strict=False, directed=True) # set some default node attributes g.node_attr['style'] = 'filled' g.node_attr['shape'] = 'circle' g.node_attr['fixedsize'] = 'true' g.node_attr['fillcolor'] = '#FFFFFF' g.node_attr['fontcolor'] = '#000000' # g.node_attr['height'] = '40' # g.node_attr['width'] = '40' # species nodes for s in (model.getSpecies(k) for k in range(model.getNumSpecies())): if s.getName(): label = s.getName() else: label = s.getId() g.add_node(s.getId(), label=label, width=0.15*len(label), **species) n = g.get_node(s.getId()) # boundary species if s.isSetBoundaryCondition() and s.getBoundaryCondition() == True: n.attr['fillcolor'] = '#717FF0' for r in (model.getReaction(k) for k in range(model.getNumReactions())): # reaction nodes if r.getName(): label = r.getName() else: label = r.getId() g.add_node(r.getId(), label=label, width=0.15*len(label), **reactions) n = g.get_node(r.getId()) n.attr['fillcolor'] = '#D1D1D1' n.attr['shape'] = 'square' # n.attr['height'] = int(int(g.node_attr['height'])/2.0) # n.attr['width'] = int(int(g.node_attr['width'])/2.0) # edges for s in (r.getReactant(k) for k in range(r.getNumReactants())): g.add_edge(s.getSpecies(), r.getId(), **reactants) for s in (r.getProduct(k) for k in range(r.getNumProducts())): g.add_edge(r.getId(), s.getSpecies(), **products) for s in (r.getModifier(k) for k in range(r.getNumModifiers())): g.add_edge(s.getSpecies(), r.getId(), **modifiers) return g
[docs] def draw(self, layout='neato', **kwargs): """ Draw the graph. Optional layout=['neato'|'dot'|'twopi'|'circo'|'fdp'|'nop'] will use specified graphviz layout method. :param layout: pygraphviz layout algorithm (default: 'neato') :type layout: str """ f, filePath = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.png') self.g.layout(prog=layout) self.g.draw(filePath) i = Image(filename=filePath) display(i) os.close(f) os.remove(filePath)