Source code for tellurium.sedml.mathml

Helper functions for evaluation of mathml expressions.
In this namespace all the possible names occuring in formula strings have to be defined.

In build in python are
    *, /, +, -
    and, or, not

from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, division

    from builtins import range
except ImportError:
    pass  # not available in py2.7

from math import *
    import libsbml
    import tesbml as libsbml
import operator

[docs] def product(*args): return reduce(operator.mul, args, 1)
[docs] def sqr(x): return x*x
[docs] def root(a, b): return a**(1/b)
[docs] def xor(*args): foundZero = 0 foundOne = 0 for a in args: if not a: foundZero = 1 else: foundOne = 1 if foundZero and foundOne: return 1 else: return 0
[docs] def piecewise(*args): Nargs = len(args) for k in range(0, Nargs-1, 2): if args[k+1]: return args[k] else: return args[Nargs-1]
""" def pow(x, y): return x**y def gt(a, b): if a > b: return 1 else: return 0 def lt(a, b): if a < b: return 1 else: return 0 def geq(a, b): if a >= b: return 1 else: return 0 def leq(a, b): if a <= b: return 1 else: return 0 def neq(a, b): if a != b: return 1 else: return 0 def f_not(a): if a == 1: return 0 else: return 1 def f_and(*args): for a in args: if a != 1: return 0 return 1 def f_or(*args): for a in args: if a != 0: return 1 return 0 """
[docs] def renameNPFuncs(astnode): if astnode.isFunction(): name = astnode.getName() if name=="max": astnode.setName("np.nanmax") if name=="min": astnode.setName("np.nanmin") if name=="sum": astnode.setName("np.nansum") if name=="product": astnode.setName("") for c in range(astnode.getNumChildren()): renameNPFuncs(astnode.getChild(c))
[docs] def evaluableMathML(astnode, variables={}, array=False): """ Create evaluable python string. """ # replace variables with provided values for key, value in variables.items(): astnode.replaceArgument(key, libsbml.parseFormula(str(value))) if array: renameNPFuncs(astnode) # get formula formula = libsbml.formulaToL3String(astnode) # <replacements> # FIXME: these are not exhaustive, but are improved with examples formula = formula.replace("&&", 'and') formula = formula.replace("||", 'or') return formula
[docs] def evaluateMathML(astnode, variables={}, array=False): """ Evaluate MathML string with given set of variable and parameter values. :param astnode: astnode of MathML string :type astnode: libsbml.ASTNode :param variables: dictionary of var : value :type variables: dict :param parameters: dictionary of par : value :type parameters: dict :return: value of evaluated MathML :rtype: float """ formula = evaluableMathML(astnode, variables=variables, array=array) print(formula) # return the evaluated formula return eval(formula)
if __name__ == "__main__": mathmlStr = """ <math xmlns=""> <piecewise> <piece> <cn type="integer"> 8 </cn> <apply> <lt/> <ci> x </ci> <cn type="integer"> 4 </cn> </apply> </piece> <piece> <cn> 0.1 </cn> <apply> <and/> <apply> <leq/> <cn type="integer"> 4 </cn> <ci> x </ci> </apply> <apply> <lt/> <ci> x </ci> <cn type="integer"> 6 </cn> </apply> </apply> </piece> <otherwise> <cn type="integer"> 8 </cn> </otherwise> </piecewise> </math> """ # evaluate the function with the values astnode = libsbml.readMathMLFromString(mathmlStr) y = 5 res = evaluateMathML(astnode, variables={'x': "y"}) print('Result:', res)